Papa’s Pizza stays highly involved in the community through our fundraiser nights, gift certificate sales, and school scrip programs.
Please choose your location from our list below and call us today to get started!
Papa’s Pizza Locations
Scheduled fundraisers are on the calendars on each location’s page. Click on the location below.
West 11th
Coburg Rd
Fundraiser Opportunities
Choose a Fundraiser Night
Our fundraiser night has become our #1 fundraising event. Your group picks a day Monday through Wednesday that the parlor has open. We provide you with a master copy of our fundraiser flyer, which you can copy and distribute to as many people and groups as you can.
We will donate to your organization, 50% of the value of food purchased when the flyer is presented on the day of your fundraiser. The fundraiser goes all day. Delivery purchases are not included in the fundraiser.
Your organization is only responsible for advertising your fundraiser through school newsletters, emails, radio or whatever network your group has. We will be happy to give you any help we can to make this a profitable event for your organization.
Click here for tips on How to Make Your Fundraiser a Success!
Coupon Sheet Fundraiser
Papa’s Pizza provides a coupon flyer that contains nine coupons valued at over $100 in savings. The flyers are sold for $15 each and your local non-profit organization gets to keep all of the proceeds. Your organization gets a two week period to sell as many as you can, there is no limit on how many you are allowed to sell. Due to the popularity of this fundraiser, we only allow them to be done once every six months by the same organization, and this fundraising opportunity is only available to local non-profit organizations.
One coupon alone is good for a free small pizza which allows the purchaser to recoup almost their full purchase price and still have eight coupons remaining. If there are just twenty members in your group and each one of them sells three flyers than you will have raised $900 for your efforts.

Gift Certificate Sales
Papa’s Pizza gives you the opportunity to pre-sell gift certificates in $20.00 denominations. You would contact us with a 2 week period your group would like to sell gift certificates. At the end of your 2 weeks, you would pay for the certificates you sold and we will issue you a check for 25% of the sales. This fundraiser is a great way to make larger amounts of money for small groups because you can affect a larger group of people by selling to friends and family. If you are a small club or sports team this is the fundraiser for you.
It is also effective for schools because each student only has to sell 2-3 certificates to make it profitable for a large group.
School Script Program
Papa’s Pizza offers schools the opportunity to participate in our scrip program. A scrip program with area businesses has been a great way for schools to work hand in hand with area businesses. Papa’s Pizza has been a leader in the community providing multiple ways for school groups to raise badly needed funds.
Our scrip program is no exception to this philosophy. We can sell scrip in $5.00 notes to your school. For every $100.00 in scrip purchased by your school you will make 25%. Your Papa’s scrip can be used for birthdays, sport team parties, deliveries and many other fun filled family evenings.